Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Bike parked up on one wheel.


I was thinking about this specimen because it was the only piece of gum I hadn't posted. Actually I was thinking about it because at first I couldn't remember what flavor it is. #157 is Juicy Fruit, #172 is something minty, I think maybe Winterfresh, and #174 is watermelon, presumably the kind that comes in like the cube wrapped in paper. Then I remembered that that's what I think this one is too. At first I thought maybe I hadn't smelled it back when I collected it in October, but that didn't make sense. Pulling the packet with it it in it back out, I think it is watermelon. It smells like a watermelon scratch and sniff sticker now. The new one, #174, smells fresher, but so does the sharpie.

So far I have collected five gum wrappers, two gummy candies (one gummy bear and one fruit snack), and four pieces of gum.

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